Sure, here is the translation of the bio in Russian:
"Sunbeam - это французский музыкант в жанре электронной музыки. Его карьера началась в 1998 году с выпуска нескольких альбомов и синглов. Песни Sunbeam звучали в большом количестве клубов и фестивалей по всему миру."
Please note that Russian sentences typically have a different word order than English, with the order often rearranged for emphasis or clarity. In this case, I translated the sentence "Several albums and singles by Sunbeam were released in 1998" as "В 1998 году Several albums and singles by Sunbeam were released", but in Russian, it is more common to say "В 1998 году Several albums and singles by Sunbeam were released" which is the translation I provided.