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He Is A Pirate (tiesto Radio Edit)
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Twopilots X Jeramah
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Martin Solveig
Hello (kuller And Gui2in Remix)
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Rodg X Lyonheart
Follow Me
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Lange Feathysteria
Unfamiliar Truth (john Ocallaghan Remix)
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We Built This City
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Ice Mc
Take Away The Colour ( 95 Recontruction ) (1995)
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Energy 52
Cafe Del Mar (dabruck And Klein Remix)
Push : biographie, news, videos - PulsRadio TRANCE -



Tłumaczenie polskie na biografię artysty muzycznego Push, wł. Mike Dierickx: Artysta muzyczny Push, właśc. Mike Dierickx, to belgijski producent muzyczny i renomowany DJ, znany ze znaczącej kontribucji do gatunku trance. Rozpoczynając swoją muzyczną karierę w 1988 roku u boku innych pionierów muzyki elektronicznej, od tego czasu przebył długą drogę, wydał dziesiątki utworów pod różnymi pseudonimami. Wśród jego najbardziej znanych utworów są "Universal Nation", "The Legacy" i "Strange World". Te utwory zajmowały miejsca w rankingach w wielu krajach i umocniły jego pozycję w gronie najważniejszych producentów trance'a swojego pokolenia. Występując na żywo, zarówno w klubach, jak i na festiwalach muzycznych na całym świecie, zyskał sławę dzięki swojej umiejętności nawiązywania kontaktu z publicznością i tworzenia transcedentalnej atmosfery.

Wszystkie tytuły od Push na PulsRadio TRANCE :

The Space Brothers And Push - Everywhere I Go (Indecent Noises Godskitchen Rework)
Fragment :

Denis Sender - Push It (Original Mix)
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MIKE Push vs Canberra - Confession (Original Mix)
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Push - Electric Eclipse
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Push - The Legacy
Fragment :

Mauro Picotto - Back To Cali (Push Rmx)
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Eva Kade - Pushing Hands To The Heaven (Poshout Club Mix)
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Markus Schulz And Mr Pit - Push The Button (Extended Mix)
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Push - Strange World (Trance Energy 2001 Theme)
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Push Vs Globe - Tranceformation
Fragment :

Mauro Picotto - Back To Cali (Push Remix)
Fragment :

Push - Respect (Original Mix)
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Push - Voyager (Klems Remix)
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MIKE Push - Fiesta Escape (Original Mix)
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Push - Imagine
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Signum - Push Through (Manuel Le Saux Just For Fun Mix)
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Push - Universal Nation (Orjan Nilsen Remix)
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Sinead Oconnor - Troy (Push Rmx)
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Clef And Canberra Feat Jonny Rose - On The Run (MIKE Push Remix)
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Dimitri Vegas And Like Mike Feat Debs Daughter - Hey Baby (M.I.K.E. Push Remix)
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Push - Universal Nation (Sam Mitcham And James Alexander Remix)
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Abstract Vision - Crystal Source (Ilya Soloviev And Pushout Presents Crystal Design Remix)
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Push - Journey Of Life (Rank 1 Mix)
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MIKE pres Push - Euphonies (Original Mix)
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Push Feat Sir Adrian - This Place (Original Mix)
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Push - Global Age (Original Mix)
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MIKE Push - Intrusion (Original Mix)
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Push - Trance Indicator (Plastic Boy Remix)
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Push - Universal Nation (Jonas Stenberg Remake)
Fragment :

Liam Melly - Pushing The Limits (Liam Wilson Remix)
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LTN and Katty Heath and Eranga - Dont Push Me Back (Estiva Remix)
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LTN with Katty Heath And Eranga - Dont Push Me Back (LTN Mix)
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Push - Electric Eclipse (Original Mix Edit)
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MIKE Push vsCanberra - Confession (Original Mix)
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Push - Strange World
Fragment :

MIKE push - Bound to redshift 7
Fragment :

MIKE Push - Bound To Redshift 7 (2nd Phase Remix)
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MIKE Push Presents Plastic Boy - Now And Forever (Extended Mix)
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MIKE Push - Estivate
Fragment :

Push - Journey Of Life
Fragment :

MIKE Push - Night Shades (Extended Mix)
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James Dymond - Push (Extended Mix)
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Push - Universal Nation (Sam Mitcham And James Alexander Remix)
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Push - Strange World (Dan Thompson Rework)
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MIKE Push Presents OverTon - The Sun Rises
Fragment :

Push - Strange World (Andrew Bayer Remix)
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Rio Klein - Fearless (Push Rmx)
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MIKE Push - Nova Artes (Extended Mix)
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Push - Respect (Original Mix)
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Shane54 feat Jenny Jordan - Paradise (M I K E Push Transcendental Extended Remix)
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Cherry Moon Trax - In My House (MIKE Push Remix)
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Marcel Woods - Tomorrow (M.I.K.E. Push Remix)
Fragment :

Diplo - Dimitri Vegas - Like Mike - Hey Baby (MIKE Push Extended Dub Remix)
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Diplo - Hey Baby (MIKE Push Extended Dub Remix)
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Plastic Boy - Twixt (Yahel Vs Eran Buhbut Meets MIKE Push Extended Transedental Mix)
Fragment :

MIKE Push - Lost and Found (Original Mix)
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