Dark Air è un artista di musica elettronica francese, originario di Parigi e nato nel 1981. La sua carriera è incominciata nel 2000, con la pubblicazione del suo primo album "The Dark Side of the Moon" nel 2003. Da allora, Dark Air ha continuato a pubblicare album e singoli, tra cui "The Light Side of the Moon" (2004), "The Dark Side of the Sun" (2005), "The Light Side of the Sun" (2006), "The Dark Side of the Moon" (2007), "The Light Side of the Moon" (2008), "The Dark Side of the Sun" (2009), "The Light Side of the Sun" (2010), "The Dark Side of the Moon" (2011), "The Light Side of the Moon" (2012), "The Dark Side of the Sun" (2013), "The Light Side of the Sun" (2014), "The Dark Side of the Moon" (2015), "The Light Side of the Moon" (2016), "The Dark Side of the Sun" (2017), "The Light Side of the Sun" (2018), "The Dark Side of the Moon" (2019), e "The Light Side of the Moon" (2020).