Viframa is a French musical group originally from Paris, composed of three members: Nicolas (vocals, guitar), Jérémy (keyboards), and Sébastien (drums). Formed in 2006, the group released their self-titled first album, "Éponyme," in 2007. Since then, they have released two more albums: "Encore un peu d'amour" (2009) and "Tout le monde" (2011).
Their music is a blend of pop, rock, and French chanson, with lyrics often centered on love and romantic relationships. Their style is marked by nostalgia and melancholy, which gives them a unique charm.
Viframa has achieved a certain success in France, particularly with the songs "Je te donne" and "Tout le monde." The group has been nominated for several awards, including the Victoires de la Musique.
In 2014, the group decided to take a break so that each member could focus on other projects. However, in 2016, they reunited for a series of concerts and announced the release of a new album for 2017.