Under Sun is a French electronic music group formed in 1998 by musicians Pascal Feige (also known as Pascal FEIGE) and Nicolas Laugier (also known as Nico LAUGIER). Their music is influenced by house, techno, and trance. In 2000, they released their first album, "First Light," which was well received by critics. In 2002, they released their second album, "Second Sight," which was even better received than the first. In 2004, they released their third album, "Third Eye," which was well received by critics. In 2006, they released their fourth album, "Fourth Dimension," which was even better received than the third. In 2008, they released their fifth album, "Fifth Element," which was also well received by critics.
(Note: The phrase "has been well received by the criticism" is a common way to say that something was well received by critics. I changed it to "was well received by critics" to maintain consistency and make the text sound more natural in English.)