The Shy Brothers is a French electronic music duo consisting of two brothers, Simon and Thomas Shy. Their music is influenced by house, techno, and trance, and they were the first French artists to sign a contract with German label Kontor Records. The group Shy Brothers was formed in 2000, and their first album, "First Contact", was released in 2002. In 2003, they released their second album, "Second Sight", which was well received by critics. In 2004, their third album, "Third Eye", was even more successful. In 2005, their fourth album, "Fourth Dimension", also received positive reviews from the public. In 2006, their fifth album, "Fifth Element", continued on this positive trend. In 2007, their sixth album, "Sixth Sense", was also well received. In 2008, their seventh album, "Seven", confirmed their success. In 2009, their eighth album, "Eight", was praised by both critics and the public. In 2010, their ninth album, "Nine", was also well received.