Selim Ozkaya is a renowned Turkish musician known for his unique talent. Born in 1981 in Istanbul, he developed a passion for music at an early age and began his career as a guitarist at the age of 17. His first steps in the industry were with a popular Turkish rock band for which he wrote many songs that became very popular in Turkey.
In addition to the guitar, Selim showed a keen interest in other musical instruments, including the piano and violin, contributing to his versatility as an artist. He is recognized for his mastery of different playing techniques and his ability to blend different musical genres, ranging from rock to classical music.
In 2005, Selim decided to pursue a solo career and released his first album, which was very well received by both the public and critics. His ability to incorporate elements of traditional Turkish music while staying true to his rock roots has made him an iconic figure in Turkey's music scene.
Selim is currently considered one of the most respected and influential artists in the Turkish music scene. His dedication to his art has allowed him to gain international recognition, solidifying his position as a cultural ambassador for Turkey.