"Outer Space is a three-member band hailing from Brooklyn, New York. The group is composed of brothers Michael (vocals/guitar) and Christopher Galkin (drums), as well as their friend Andrew Lynch (bass). Outer Space has been described as "a cross between early Sonic Youth and the Velvet Underground" (The Big Takeover).
The band formed in 2013, following the Galkin brothers' move to New York from their hometown of Boston. They met Lynch through a mutual friend, and the three began making music together. The band's first show took place at a house party in Bushwick, Brooklyn.
Outer Space released their first EP, "In the Shadow of the Mountain," in 2014. The EP was recorded in a basement studio in Brooklyn and self-released on Bandcamp.
The band's first full-length album, "Hibernation," was released in 2016 on Fire Talk Records. The album was recorded at Strange Weather Studios in Brooklyn and was produced by Jarvis Taveniere (Woods, Widowspeak).
Outer Space has toured the US and Europe, and has performed at festivals such as SXSW, CMJ, and The Great Escape."