"Megara vs. Dj Lee is a German electronic music production duo consisting of Michael Kuebler and Stefan Bossems. Active in the electronic music scene since the 1990s, they released their first album, "The Battle", in 2006. Their second album, "The War", released in 2007, was a commercial success and topped the German charts. They followed up with several successful albums such as "The Revenge" (2009), "The Revolution" (2010), "The Uprising" (2011), "The Resistance" (2012), "The Rebellion" (2013), "The Revolution 2.0" (2014), "The Uprising 2.0" (2015), "The Resistance 2.0" (2016), "The Rebellion 2.0" (2017) and "The Revolution 3.0" (2018). Each album was accompanied by a corresponding live album. Megara vs. Dj Lee have established themselves as major players in the German electronic scene."