gardenstate is a musical duo formed by Marcus Schössow and Matthew Felner in 2018. These artists are known for their unique style, blending a variety of musical genres including electronic, house, techno, and more. Their music is influenced by cinema, fashion, and nature, giving their productions a special dimension.
Since their debut, they have managed to secure a place in the electronic music industry and have been praised by renowned DJs such as Axwell, Pete Tong, and Ferry Corsten. Their first single "Arpology" was a real success and their second track "Charter" was crowned "Essential New Tune" by BBC Radio 1.
The duo is also recognized for their intense and energetic live performances. They have toured throughout Europe, including Germany, Sweden, and the Netherlands.
In summary, gardenstate's bio stands out for its diversity and appeal. Whether through their musical creativity or their energy on stage, they continue to push boundaries and captivate their audience.