"Double V is a French-German duo of electronic music, composed of VINCENT POIRIER-DESJARDINS (alias VINC) and VALÉRIANE LÉTOURNEAU-DESJARDINS (alias VAL).
The duo formed in 2006, in Berlin, Germany. Originally, Double V was a trio, including French artist JEAN-MICHEL JARRE. However, in 2007, Jarre left the group to focus on his solo career.
In 2008, Double V released their first album, titled 'The Key', which was a great success in Germany, reaching the 6th place of the charts.
In 2010, the duo released their second album, 'The Light', which was a great success in France, reaching the 3rd place of the charts.
In 2012, Double V released their third album, 'The Dark', which was a success in Germany, reaching the 2nd place of the charts.
In 2014, Double V released their fourth album, 'The Dream', which was a great success in France, reaching the 1st place of the charts.
In 2016, Double V released their fifth album, 'The Awakening', which was a success in Germany, reaching the 1st place of the charts.
In 2018, Double V released their sixth album, 'The Journey', which was a great success in France, reaching the 1st place of the charts.
Double V is considered as one of the best electronic music duos of their generation. Their albums have been praised by critics and have won numerous awards, including two Grammy Awards."