"Captured Sun is a French music group formed in 2014, consisting of five members: Nicolas (singer and guitarist), Jérémy (guitarist), Benjamin (bassist), Simon (drummer) and Antoine (keyboardist).
The group released their first album, 'Eclipse', in 2014, which was well received by critics and reached second place in the French charts. In 2016, their second album, 'Nova', was even more successful and reached the top of the French charts, going gold.
In 2018, their third album, 'Solar', was a commercial and critical success, reaching the top of the French charts and going platinum.
Captured Sun has also released several singles, including 'Alive', 'Gravity' and 'Lost in the Sun', which have also been popular with the public.
Considered one of the best French music groups currently, Captured Sun skillfully blends rock, pop, and metal. Their unique style and talent for melodies make them a highly regarded group."