Translation of Airport11's bio:
Airport11 is a French electronic music artist, born in 1985. He began his career in 2006 and released his first album, "The Sun Also Rises," in 2007. In 2009, his second album, "The World Is Yours," received critical acclaim. In 2011, his third album, "The Future Is Now," was even more successful with critics. In 2013, his fourth album, "The Past Is Another Country," was also well received. His fifth album, "The Present Is a Gift," released in 2015, also received positive reviews. In 2017, Airport11 released his sixth album, "The Future Is Now," which was also well received. In 2019, his seventh album, "The Past Is Another Country," was also praised by critics. Considered one of the best French electronic music artists of his generation, Airport11 has established himself in the music industry.