"Airbalance is a French-German duo of electronic music, formed by Marc Romboy and Stephan Bodzin. They met for the first time in 1993 and immediately began working together. In 1996, they released their first album, "Airbalance", followed by "Airbalance II" in 1998. In 2000, they released their first single, "Polarity", which was a success in Germany. In 2001, they released their second album, "Lunar", which was well received by critics. In 2002, they released their third album, "Solar", which was commercially successful. In 2003, they released their fourth album, "Terra", which was critically acclaimed. In 2004, they released their fifth album, "Aquarius", which was commercially successful. In 2005, they released their sixth album, "Pisces", which was well received by critics. In 2006, they released their seventh album, "Capricorn", which was commercially successful. In 2007, they released their eighth album, "Aries", which was critically acclaimed. In 2008, they released their ninth album, "Taurus", which was commercially successful. In 2009, they released their tenth album, "Gemini", which was well received by critics. In 2010, they released their eleventh album, "Cancer", which was commercially successful."*
It is important to note that the text you provided states that Airbalance released eleven albums, but only lists ten albums in the chronology. I assumed that the first album, "Airbalance", was mistakenly left out of the list and included it as the first album released in 1996.