"Offshore Wind is a French musical group formed in 2006 in Paris. The group is composed of four members: Nicolas Gautier (singing, guitar), Benjamin Glibert (bass), Quentin Delafon (keyboards) and Jérôme Briot (drums).
The band's musical style has been described as a mix of pop, rock, and electronic music. Their first album, Offshore Wind, was released in 2007. The album was well received by critics and was nominated for the French music award, the Victoires de la Musique.
The band's second album, Les Ailes du Vent, was released in 2009. The album was once again well received by critics and was nominated for the French music award, the Victoires de la Musique.
The band's third album, Le Ciel est à nous, was released in 2011. The album was once again well received by critics and was nominated for the French music award, the Victoires de la Musique.
The band's fourth album, L'Avenir est devant nous, was released in 2013. The album was once again well received by critics and was nominated for the French music award, the Victoires de la Musique.
The band's fifth album, Les Chants du Futur, was released in 2015. The album was once again well received by critics and was nominated for the French music award, the Victoires de la Musique.
The band's sixth album, Les Rêves du Futur, was released in 2017. The album was once again well received by critics and was nominated for the French music award, the Victoires de la Musique."