Musical artist Lost Frequencies, whose real name is Felix De Laet, hails from Brussels, Belgium. He first gained recognition in 2014 with his hit "Are You With Me", which reinterpreted a country song into an innovative electronic sound. The following year, his song 'Reality' also achieved great success.
He creates music in a genre that can be described as deep house or electro-pop, characterized by soft rhythms, melancholic melodies, and soft vocals. Lost Frequencies is also known for his remixes of popular songs. For example, he remixed Otto Knows' "Dying For You" and Haddaway's "What is Love 2016".
In terms of live performances, he has impressed audiences worldwide, performing at various electronic music festivals, including Tomorrowland and Coachella.
In addition to his music career, Lost Frequencies has shown an interest in the fashion world with his own clothing line, while advocating for environmental causes and mental health issues.
Lost Frequencies continues to produce innovative music and further expand his audience worldwide with his unique sound.