"The Saturdays are a British-Irish girl group based in London, England. The group formed in 2007 and has released three studio albums, On Your Side (2017), Living for the Weekend (2013), and Headlines! (2010). The group's first album, Chasing Lights (2008), reached ninth place on the UK Albums Chart and produced the hit singles "Up" and "Issues". The following three albums have all been certified platinum by the British Phonographic Industry (BPI). The Saturdays have sold over 4 million records in the UK. The group's fourth studio album, Work (2015), reached tenth place on the UK Albums Chart and produced the singles "What Are You Waiting For?", "Gentleman", and "Not Giving Up". The Saturdays' first major tour, The Work Tour, took place in October 2009. The group's second major tour, The Headlines Tour, took place in 2011. The Saturdays' third major tour, Living for the Weekend, took place in October 2013. The Saturdays supported Justin Bieber on his Believe Tour in 2013. The group has won one award out of eight nominations."