Pain is a Swedish musical project formed in 1997 by Peter Tägtgren, who serves as both the founder, singer, and multi-instrumentalist of the group. Pain's musical style is characterized by a fusion of industrial metal and electronic music, often referred to as industrial metal or techno-metal.
Peter Tägtgren, an iconic figure in the metal scene, is also known for his work with the death metal band Hypocrisy. However, with Pain, he explores different sonic territories, incorporating elements of synthesizer, electronic beats, and catchy melodies.
Pain's lyrics often address dark and introspective themes, but can also tackle broader and more philosophical subjects. The group has released several albums since its inception, each contributing to establishing Pain as a significant entity in the electronic metal landscape.
In concert, Pain is recognized for its energetic and theatrical performances, using impressive visual effects to complement the intense sound experience. The project continues to evolve, experimenting with new sounds and remaining a major influence in the industrial metal genre.