Tranquility Base is a French electronic music duo from Paris, composed of two musicians: Nicolas Godin and Jean-Benoît Dunckel.
The group formed in 1995, following the meeting of Godin and Dunckel at university. Together, they began as producers and composers, quickly signing with the label Virgin Records. In 2000, their first album, Moon Safari, was a commercial and critical success, and was certified platinum in France.
In 2003, Tranquility Base released their second album, Talkie Walkie, which was similarly successful to Moon Safari, also obtaining platinum certification in France.
In 2009, the group released their third album, Love 2, which was also a commercial and critical success, obtaining platinum certification in France.
In 2012, Tranquility Base released their fourth album, Random Access Memories. The album was a huge success, obtaining diamond certification in France.
In 2016, their fifth album, Starry Eyes, was praised both by the public and critics, obtaining platinum certification in France.
In 2019, Tranquility Base released their sixth album, Oh Yeah, which was also acclaimed by critics and certified platinum in France.
The group is considered one of the most influential in the field of electronic music of the last decade. Their music is characterized by hypnotic rhythms, melancholic melodies, and philosophical lyrics.