Starkid, also known as Team StarKid, is a musical theater troupe based in the United States, that has gained wide notoriety on the internet for its original musical comedies. The group was formed in 2009 by a ensemble of University of Michigan students. They gained fame with the production of "A Very Potter Musical", a musical parody of the Harry Potter novels, which went viral on YouTube.
The success of this first work led to the creation of several other musical comedies that parody popular themes or famous works of fiction. Among their other notable productions are "Me and My Dick", "Starship", and "Twisted", the latter being a parodic version of the Aladdin story from the villain's point of view. Starkid productions are known for their offbeat humor, catchy tunes, and ability to effectively engage the audience through social media and online broadcasts.
Team StarKid has thus created a unique niche for itself in the world of musical theater, combining digital accessibility with the charm of live theater productions. While it primarily targets a young audience and fans of pop and geek cultures, Starkid has managed to reach a wide range of spectators and has established a substantial and enthusiastic fan base around the world.