"Seven Lions is an American electronic music and dubstep artist, born on February 3, 1987 in Santa Barbara, California. He began playing music at the age of 16 and studied music at the University of Southern California. After completing his studies, he pursued a career as a DJ and producer.
In 2011, Seven Lions released his first album, 'Polaris', which received favorable reviews from critics. The following year, he released his second album, 'Worlds Apart', which was even better received than the first. In 2013, he released his third album, 'Ashes', which was a commercial success and well-received by critics.
In 2014, Seven Lions released his fourth album, 'The Throes of Winter', which was also a commercial success and well-received by critics. That same year, he released his fifth album, 'Winter Kills', which was met with commercial success and praised by critics.
In 2016, Seven Lions released his sixth album, 'Fractals', which was a commercial success and well-received by critics."