Overtune is a French music group formed in 2010, consisting of five members: Nicolas, Antoine, Sébastien, Jérémy, and Thomas. Their music is mainly influenced by rock and metal, but they have also been influenced by electronic music, hip-hop, and jazz. In 2012, the group released their first album, titled "Overtune", which was well received by critics. In 2013, the group released their second album, titled "2.0", which was even better received than the first. In 2014, the group released their third album, titled "3.0", which was even more appreciated than the first two. In 2015, the group released their fourth album, titled "4.0", which was even better received than the first three. In 2016, the group released their fifth album, titled "5.0", which was even more appreciated than the first four.