"Manox is a French musical artist specializing in electronic music. He is best known for his track 'Pump Up the Volume,' which was a top 40 hit in France in 2007." Here's the breakdown:
- "Manox est" = "Manox is"
- "un artiste musical français" = "a French musical artist"
- "spécialisé dans la musique électronique" = "specializing in electronic music"
- "Il est surtout connu pour" = "He is best known for"
- "son titre" = "his track"
- "Pump Up the Volume" = "Pump Up the Volume"
- "qui a été" = "that was"
- "un top 40 des ventes en France" = "a top 40 hit in France"
- "en 2007" = "in 2007"
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.