Felix Cartal is an electronic music DJ and producer from Vancouver, Canada. Born Taelor Deitcher, he gained recognition on the international electronic music scene for his dynamic remixes and production skills. His musical style combines elements of house, dance, and sometimes pop influences, making his music accessible to a wide audience.
Cartal began his career in 2009 and quickly gained popularity through his energetic live performances and collaborations with other artists. He has released several albums and EPs that have been well received by critics. Among his most well-known tracks is "Get What You Give," which brought a new dimension to his career with its melodic approach and mainstream appeal.
In addition to his own projects, Felix Cartal has worked on numerous remixes for other artists, demonstrating his versatility and ability to reimagine songs from various genres. His work has been nominated for awards in the music industry, confirming his impact and significance in the realm of modern electronic music.