"Weekend Heroes" is a French electronic music duo consisting of Nicolas Dior and Laurent Ash. They met in 2006 and began working together in 2007. They released their first album, "*No More Sleep*," in 2009.
Their music is influenced by house, techno, and trance. They have remixed songs for artists such as Tiesto, Paul van Dyk, and Armin van Buuren. They have also performed in clubs and festivals around the world.
In 2012, they released their second album, "*No More Sleep 2*," accompanied by a worldwide tour. They also released several successful singles and remixes.
In 2014, they released their third album, "*No More Sleep 3*," with a worldwide tour and the release of several successful singles and remixes.
In 2016, they released their fourth album, "*No More Sleep 4*," with a worldwide tour of several months and the release of several successful singles and remixes.
In 2018, they released their fifth album, "*No More Sleep 5*," with a worldwide tour and the release of several successful singles and remixes.
In 2020, they released their sixth album, "*No More Sleep 6*," with a worldwide tour and the release of several successful singles and remixes."