"The Cube Guys" is an Italian duo of producers and DJs formed in 2006 by Roberto Intrallazzi and Luca Provera, also known as Blaxx and Max Zotti. Their music is a blend of house, techno, and tribal, and they have collaborated with numerous artists such as Afrojack, Steve Aoki, Chuckie, and Bingo Players.
Their first album, "The Cube Guys," was released in 2009, and they have released several singles and albums since. In 2012, they were ranked among the top 100 DJs in the world by DJMag. They have also won several awards, including the prestigious "Italian Dance Music Award" in 2013.
The Cube Guys are currently signed to the German label Kontor Records, and have released several singles and albums with them. They are also the founders of the Italian label Cube Recordings, launched in 2010.