Phantoms is an electronic music duo from Los Angeles, consisting of Kyle Kaplan and Vinnie Pergola. They gained recognition through a mix of deep house music, pop, and electronic sounds influenced by disco elements and catchy melodies. The group began to gain popularity in the mid-2010s, delivering dynamic sets and polished productions that captivated electronic music fans.
The duo has also been noticed for their live performances, incorporating an impressive visual aspect into their shows. Phantoms has released several singles and EPs, as well as a well-received full album by critics and fans. Their music often combines guest vocals with danceable rhythms, creating songs that are both danceable and emotionally resonant.
Phantoms continues to play an active role in the electronic music scene, performing at music festivals and collaborating with other artists. Their evolving style and ability to capture the essence of contemporary electronic music and dance music make them unique and appreciated in the musical field.