Marnik is an Italian DJ duo comprised of Alessandro Martello and Emanuele Longo, who began their musical journey together in 2014. Known for their unique musical style that combines multiple genres such as EDM, Big Room House, and Dance-Pop, they have created a number of successful songs throughout their career.
Beyond their studio work, Marnik is also known for their energetic live performances where they always focus on entertaining the audience. They have made appearances at several of the world's biggest music festivals, including Tomorrowland, Ultra Music Festival, and Sunburn.
In addition to their own music, Marnik has worked with a variety of other renowned artists, including Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, KSHMR, and Steve Aoki. Their collaborations have resulted in several successful songs, such as "Bazaar" and "Mandala", which have been widely played on major radio stations worldwide.
Despite their success, Marnik remains determined to push the boundaries of their music and continue to innovate. Their passion for music is a central element of their artistic identity and continues to fuel their career.