"EMY Perez, also known as MOWE, is a French-Spanish musical artist. Born in France in 1981, she was raised in Spain and began her musical career in that country before moving to France. She later collaborated with the French electronic music label, Ed Banger Records.
In 2009, she released her first album, "The Sound of My Voice". Two years later, in 2011, she released her second album, "No More Tears", which was a big hit in France. In 2012, she released her third album, "Love Is the Answer", which was also successful in France and Spain.
The following year, in 2013, MOWE Emy Perez released her fourth album, "The Power of Love", which was a major success in France. Finally, in 2014, she released her fifth album, "The Heart of the Matter", which was also successful in France."