Blackstreet is an American R&B group formed in 1991 by renowned producer and musician Teddy Riley, following the dissolution of his previous group, Guy. The group is best known for its international hit "No Diggity" in 1996, featuring Dr. Dre and Queen Pen. This song won a Grammy Award and significantly marked the musical era of its time.
Blackstreet's musical style blends R&B, funk, hip-hop, and doo-wop. The group has evolved through different formations over the years, with Teddy Riley being the only constant member. Blackstreet's albums include their eponymous album in 1994, "Another Level" in 1996, and "Finally" in 1999. Each of these albums achieved varying degrees of success, with "Another Level" being the most famous, partly due to "No Diggity."
The group has separated and reunited several times over the years, and Teddy Riley remains an influential figure in the music industry, contributing to the production and development of new talents. Blackstreet's innovative sound and impact on 90s R&B are still highly respected in the music industry.