"Baracuda is a German electronic music duo from Munich. Consisting of musicians Tobias Sammet and Dirk "DJ Dirk" Scheuber, the group primarily draws its inspiration from 1990s techno and house. Founded in 1998, Baracuda released their first album, 'The Album,' in 1999. Their most famous single, 'I Will Love Again,' was released in 2000. The group has also released several other singles and albums, including 'The Remixes' in 2001, 'The Remixes II' in 2002, 'The Remixes III' in 2003, 'The Remixes IV' in 2004, 'The Remixes V' in 2005, 'The Remixes VI' in 2006, 'The Remixes VII' in 2007, 'The Remixes VIII' in 2008, 'The Remixes IX' in 2009, 'The Remixes X' in 2010, 'The Remixes XI' in 2011 and 'The Remixes XII' in 2012."